
The Six Stages of Dharmic Disease
July 1, 2020 | Dr. Satyavani Gayatri
What happens when we don't live dharmically? Dis-ease. The Ayurvedic stages of dis-ease have a relationship with our spiritual pursuit of dharma. To be clear, dharma is not your job – it is beyond that. Dharma is the true self…

May 9, 2020 | Dr. Satyavani Gayatri
STANDARD DEFINITION: a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance. PHYSICS: a metamorphosis during the life cycle of an animal; the induced or spontaneous change of one element into another by a nuclear process. MATHEMATICS•LOGIC: the induced or spontaneous…

What’s the Endgame here?
April 15, 2020 | Dr. Satyavani Gayatri
When we step back and look at all that is happening in the world at once it can be dizzying. We have insufficient and incompetent leadership, corruption at an all-time high, an environment that is transforming before our eyes due…

Vata Pacifying & Immune Boosting Beets - Underground Ayurveda Kitchen
April 1, 2020 | Dr. Michael Bittner
VideoBaked Red Beets Serves 2 Ingredients 1 large red beet Fresh thyme (6 -10 individual sprigs) Coconut or olive oil (1/8 cup max) Himalayan Salt Pepper Instructions Preheat oven to 400 degrees Place baking sheet in pan and coat with…

The People Come First
March 26, 2020 | Dr. Michael Bittner
More than two hundred years ago, Benjamin Franklin wrote, “We must all hang together, or assuredly, we shall all hang separately” Today, we have a crisis in America. It has less to do with the Coronavirus and more to do…

The Responsible Course of Action
March 14, 2020 | Dr. Satyavani Gayatri
The US Government’s response to the Coronavirus represents the most recent example of a dysfunctional approach to securing and supporting public wellbeing in the United States. Yes, there has been a tepid response to ascertain how to stem the communicable…

Fear & The Nervous System
March 12, 2020 | Dr. Satyavani Gayatri
Fear is a powerful emotional sensation - one that starts in the mind with grand and scary imagery that quickly drops us into the future of what ifs - never allowing us to be present or fully in our bodies.…

Shakti Rising
March 8, 2020 | Dr. Satyavani Gayatri
In the ancient tradition of yoga there is the concept of Shiva and Shakti. Shiva, represents the male form of matter, our physical form and Shakti the female essence of energy. It is written that Shiva is considered almost fully…

Consciousness Begins In The Mouth
March 7, 2020 | Dr. Satyavani Gayatri
In the ancient medical science of Ayurveda it is said that digestion begins in the mouth. The sister Vedic science of Yoga says the same. Swami Kripalu has a famous quote that captures the essence of this thought around consciousness…

Ayurveda: The Path To Female Empowerment
April 27, 2019 | Dr. Satyavani Gayatri
This past year has been an incredible evolution in my practice as an Ayurvedic Clinician. More and more women are stepping forward and asking for help – from a place of strength and inner knowing that has been a long…

Creating positive change now
January 19, 2019 | Dr. Satyavani Gayatri
Fundamental to understanding our world are the constants that everything is comprised of energy, and energy is in an ongoing state of flux. This energy may be called chi (chee), prana or ki (key). As it relates to Feng Shui…

On Eating - The Ayurveda Way
January 19, 2019 | Dr. Satyavani Gayatri
Whether it is the human body, mind or spirit, an animal or a plant, a car, a residence or a business, all respond positively to mindful efforts that enhance the pranic flow of energy. Regardless of the object and its…

Want to Thrive as a Yoga Teacher? How to find success while on the yogic path.
January 19, 2019 | Dr. Satyavani Gayatri
At the core of yoga is the creation of stability and balance in movement, in breathing, in emotions, in thinking and in life. All the ideas and practices that comprise yoga exist to bring focus to our dharma, to remove…