The Zen Cleanse

January 30, 2019 | Dr. Satyavani Gayatri

Optimal Health – The Ayurvedic Way

Do you feel stuck in a body that doesn’t feel the way you would like it to? Have you consulted doctors, diets, nutritionists and every supplement under the sun? If you’re mired down in excess weight, fatigue, headaches, brain fog, body pain, anxiety, insomnia and digestive distress, The Zen Cleanse can assist in transforming that experience for you.

The Benefits
The Zen Cleanse works because it is directed at the often-overlooked root causes for many modern challenges: poor digestion, inflammation, anxiety and toxic overload. Throughout this 16-week online program, you will reduce inflammation, repair digestion, and flush out toxins using Ayurvedic Medical Science.

The Zen Cleanse works through the strength of community by creating a compassionate and educated circle of support to empower you to heal your gut and your brain resulting in a zest for life!

What To Expect
Topics discussed during group sessions include: neuroadaptation, food challenges, digestion, the brain-gut connection, biochemistry, cravings, energy, lifestyle, Ayurvedic principles and routines and knowledge about body constitution types. All of these will be in light of the Spring season.

Each participant will receive a pre and post program health consultation as well as monthly check-ins from a ZenSpot Institute Ayurvedic clinician.

The program includes a guiding textbook, Ayurvedic herbal regimens, 6 online group sessions and coaching.

Dates: Begins April 5, 2020 through July 19, 2020.
+ 6 Online Group Sessions: Sundays: 4/5, 4/12, 5/10, 5/17, 6/7 and 6/14 from 4:30pm – 6:00pm Mountain Time.
+ 1 pre-cleanse individual consultation + 1 post-cleanse individual consultation.
+ Individual follow-ups with your Ayurvedic Practitioner and Program Coach via phone.

Cost: of the program is $1400. Options for monthly payments are available.

Register by: April 1, 2020.

Zoom Link provided upon registration.

Dr. Satyavani Gayatri

Dr. Satyavani Gayatri, Ed.D, AHP has 27 years of experience in Ayurveda, Yoga and Spiritual teaching both domestically and abroad in India, China and Southeast Asia. She holds advanced credentials in Education, Yoga and was initiated as an Acharya (spiritual teacher) in 2016 as part of the Kripalu lineage. She has a regular Ayurvedic medicine practice in Boise, ID as part of the ZenSpot Institute for Vedic & Taoist Studies where she is co-founder. Her focus these days is on her year-long program The Ayurvedic Woman where she assists women on the path of Ayurveda, Yoga and Spirituality to find their true selves.

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